How does Victor buff a Gwailo? Fairy Dust?
By my count there are 9 profiles in the entire game with TI (not counting symbiomates in this because mates giving TI is better than they used to...
Yeah, but they changed other stuff too, like making all the tac aware zuyong profiles available to Dashat.
Yeah, it's not looking good. Apparently a few things were just changed in army and this was not one of them.
The question I’d ask is what are you actually gaining from the Shang Ji core? They don’t really add that much for their cost. Using a more...
I'm pretty sure any profile that got an update or change was included in the Daedulus Falls profile pdf. That might be the easiest reference to...
Even more galling to me is the notion that JSA was never supposed to have the profile in the first place and it's availability here was an error...
My personal preference for HI links is to play them aggressively and move them up the table, but the Janissary load outs aren't quite as amenable...
If you intend on using the rafiq aggressively, maybe swap it into group 2? Right now you’ve got 4 orders in there without much to spend them on....
You replaced the whole head with a upholstery tack? That sounds interesting. Do you have any pictures?
I've lost the thread. What point are you supporting with those links?
The only drawback to frenzy is that the model loses access to cover bonuses on the turn after it inflicts a wound. Since they become regular...
If it were me, using the models you have with as little proxying as possible, i'd do something like this:...
Are you cool with proxying or are you trying to use only the stuff you have models for?
I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me the problem is less that Saito is lynchpin for the armiy’s success but rather that it takes an army that...
Thanks for checking. Too bad the answer is something of a bummer.
Have we received official word about the status of the unit?
If i’m understanding it correctly ‘plasma’ becomes ‘normal’ and only prompts one save. Just like explosive and double action both become normal...
Have they hinted at when our boy Krit is going to get s profile?