@Masebs thanks for all the info!
That’s a bit off the mark of the concern. I don’t think anyone is worried about CC in Zero Vis as LoF is not required for CC. The concern is “Do...
I totally agree with you @Hecaton. But like @toadchild, I also can’t find anything RaW to trot out to support it.
Yeah, that’s what I said two pages ago and was met with essentially this: When in Base to Base you may draw LoF to all troopers who are base to...
I thought that too because i’m with @toadchild on how I think LOF in cc works. However, when I went to check it I found out that CC does not...
@Robock If Zero Vis trumps CC LoF then wouldn't that also mean that troopers engaged in CC in Zero Viz zones can't declare Dodge? Dodge requires...
Found this on the wiki and I believe this prevents your scenario from occurring: It's in the section on LoF with CC....
@Sabin76 the point I was getting at is that the bonus from Fat2 can be applied in both the active and reactive turns. It has the same effect per...
I've said it elsewhere, and i'll say it again here: to me: to my perception the issue is not in how much Fat2 increases a tropper's percentages to...
What political discussion are you referring to?
It's impossible to know unless they choose to tell us, which they're not obligated to do, but an equally simple and plausible explanation...
Why is Ramah subpar at button pushing? We have a wildcard specialist (Leila) that can join any link. We have two infiltrating specialists (Tuareg...
A linked Shang Ji is cheaper than what?
I don’t understand where the notion that Ramah has no long range firepower is coming from. Janissaries, Zhayedan, and Ghulam can form fireteams...
Couple follow ups: How did you like the marksman Farzan? Why bring the Najarun, to deal with glue?
What did the rest of your list look like?
So this was technically what, a Govad link?
At the end of the day, limited though they may be, there are still more counter play options to FA2 then there are to Fat2.
@Zewrath beat me to it. Based on the parameters the article set forth, it's fine, but it omits key variables: opportunity cost and counter play....
Thanks for the catch. I'll edit my original post.