Obviously N4 is a different beast, but in N3 I don't think my Daylami every survived long enough to need a reload, but I've always tended to use...
Since dual wield doesn’t appear to be a thing anymore, Neko having 2 distinct CC weapons, means he just selects which one he wants to use any time...
A lot of weapons are missing traits in the army app. If you look at K1 in the equipment index of the pdf it’s correctly listed as having the...
Since it's stock on all our domaru now, am I reading the EM CC weapon rules correctly? Ammo type is listed an N+EM. Combined ammo rules on pg 74...
I would say just pick a support box you like the look of and paint them in your army colors, that way you still get bots. To my eye, Dactyls or...
Ok, did a bit of looking around: Over in Yu Jing town there's the Daoying Hacker whose torso armor is comparable and whose chunky thighs mimic...
If you don't want to sculpt your own hakama onto a different model, there's not a lot in the way of single blister models that have them these...
What is it you dislike about Yuriko’s model? Or, alternatively what would you like to see aesthetically? Without knowing why you want to proxy...
I'll admit my examples were rushed and may not have been the most appropriate. The main point I was trying to make is that Shang ji could be...
At the end of the day, I think the Shang-Ji need gear changes more than rule changes to avoid redundancy. Sure a visual mod coupled with a nice...
Overcosted? I think the weight of strategos 2-3 is being undervalued. There are only 4 profiles in the game with lvl3: Saladin, Sun Tze, Avatar,...
I think something worth keeping in mind is that in theory these models are being designed for Defiance first and infinity second. We may have a...
Wouldn't Acmon be a more fitting unit to compare her to than a Deva or Sophotect?
Hello everyone, I'm just getting into Shasvasti and I think it's interesting that we only have one Core Fireteam option, the Nox. I come from a...
Not an Ariadna player, so I guess my advice might be terrible, but isn't an Antipode pack a decent option? Not the most order efficient option,...
I thought he might be a recreation too, which is why I went to check his bio, but unlike Musashi for example, he's not called out as being one. As...
I can't tell if his character bio on the aristea page is saying he's from Dawn or not. It kinda seems like he's Ariadnan with maybe some...
USA, QK, and Foreign Company all make sense. I'm also scratching my head over Ramah. I also agree with what a lot of folks are saying here in that...
Looks like we can take him in RTF and QK. How do folks feel about the profile? (Sorry, I don't have a good version of it to post here, I just...
While I'm just starting to mess around with Shas, i've got a lot of experience with Hassassins and I suspect a lot of Fiday tricks will carry...