I think I'd rather have the Daoying hacker LT2. I mean, you're going to want a basic hacker for Fairy Dust anyway, so you're not saving any SWC...
This is the big reason. And the Red Veil Ninja even has the tacbow modeled.
Historically, mines were not canceled by each other in N1/N2. To the best of my knowledge, that interaction has not changed.
Adding to clarify a bit: It is legal to move both up in the same order, you just cannot heal both Unconscious models in the same order. Order...
Yeah, the other shooters are keeping the targets pinned down while the airstrike rolls in.
G:Sync models can't be in a link team.
I wouldn't mind seeing a mass-army or space-combat computer game in the Infinity setting, as an expansion to the universe.
More to the point, just about the ONLY ARM4 HI with that 4-4MOV. Everything else was ARM3! Thanks muchly! Yup. Today, if I was making a...
Exactly. In IA, Hulang does not have a good way to get into CC. He's a bit more usable in vanilla or Dashat, what with actually having smoke...
Wow, you really threw down on that order! Did I miss what your plans were to make the duplicate buildings look different from each other?
XCom (or rather, Phantom Doctrine) is basically Infinity already. In fact, I'd really like to borrow drone/air strikes (easy enough with Smart...
Standard equipment on all Bakunin models.
I really disagree with that. Make no mistake, Aragoto are NOT easy to learn to use, much harder than learning how to get Domaru into CC. I...
Congrats!!! (feels good to pull that off, doesn't it?)
The problem is that your Tinbot'd KHD doesn't cover your forward-deployed troops like the Hulang, Zhencha, and Liu Xing.
Fix the zombies into G:Sync to the KSCD (or acting more like antipups) and Counter-Intelligence on the Kanren would probably work pretty well. I...
Dice happen. *shrug*
Sure, but we would like things stated directly in all places where the interactions happen, not having to imply and extrapolate things. Advantage...
Yeah, CC needs to be less order-intensive to get into. It's finally about appropriately deadly (CC in N2 was a horrible waste of time and...
Yes, that would be very good to have addressed!