Hah! I'm also not personally offended by what was said either, as another of the LGBTQetc community, but I'm glad that there's been a discussion,...
I, for one, am grateful to see @oldGregg making a point here. So, regardless of intention, reflecting on what effect your words have is always...
Is that because we're trying to equate a game (with solid reasons for fair play), with warfare (which definitely doesn't play fair)...
Once the thing is down, I'd be more brazen with whatever is in front. Although, moving a holoecho out to provoke the shot has a certain bastardry...
An alternative E-M vector is the Bashi Bazouk with E/mauler. Don't even need to engage directly, as long as you can get the deployable E/mauler...
If you want JSA with drop troops, have you tried Ikari? Wonder if there's too much overlap there...
Why not both? In the course of a game, I might start with a Keisotsu link with 2 Kempetei, but at some point I expect to lose the SMMR. After...
Even a speculative E/M Grenade can take apart a link team, fatality works on the grenade too, right?
Am I the only one who thinks that Ikari, DBS and Qapu are almost their own faction, with different sectorials? ;)
I like the raven silhouettes on the jetpack... probably all the more because the rest of the model is unfussy...
I love the HRL brawler in a link (Haris or Core)... And a shotgun Tanko.
Yeah, in Vanilla they get a bit more support from guilang, for instance. And, with Oniwaban they'd be an interesting combo (and possibly...
Given that there is plenty of order overhead in IA, is it so important to alpha strike with the Liu Xing in the first turn? If you can neutralise...
Let nothing distract the eye from all that sexiness...
It is Ikari, and it would be a singular druze - ignoring the penalty to speculatively fire and have a 3+ MOD is a better deal...
But, consider that E/M launcher with a TO, infiltrating Forward Observer...
The best thing about Ikari is that you either already have the models from somewhere else, or now you have the models for somewhere else... I'm...
No Druze Lt. anymore... but between the Libertos, Krakot and Bashi Bazouk you can have SMGs... SMGs everywhere
So, once you have a few Druze, you get a third sectorial for free!