Representation in the media is exactly what you're talking about, dude! When I (as a non-straight guy) see only straight people in any tv show,...
There's a pretty powerful essay by James Baldwin on the effect of representation in culture on the self. And, I subscribe to that view...
He looks perfect to me, too! But, when someone suggested that the aesthetic wasn't... let's say heteronormative, I think they might have been onto...
Diversity is about more than just artificial virtual skintones. It's about making things with broader appeal outside of traditional audiences. Are...
... or, companies that successfully cultivated diverse consumer bases are doing much better in a wider ecosphere. More than one way to read this,...
Isn't another possibility of this that developers with a narrow aesthetic or appeal are not reacting to the opening of the gaming market to new...
To elaborate; the discussions I have are rarely about objectification per se. My girlfriend, for instance, is perfectly happy with the idea that...
Not at all! If anything, characterising the debate as something that only men have an interest in reveals nothing more than preconceptions...
Perhaps. Although, having seen and heard from plenty of women that the effect of attitudes and arguments like these feel literally exclusionary,...
[img] Ikari Company──────────────────────────────────────────────────[img]3 [img] WÚ MÍNG (Fireteam: Haris) Chain Rifle, Submachine Gun / Pistol,...
Shinobu, tossing smoke, has a chance to pick them apart, and imposes a -6 MOD, whilst she's hitting on CC22 (assuming the asawira picks L1). Not...
Those suggestions are pretty smart; I've seen PanO remotes painted up that fit nicely with a JSA force. The choices you've made are...
Why not go with Qapu Kalqui, so you can merge the two into Ikari later..,
Knocked this up - the Karakuri is there for the xenotech, the Rui Shi utilises the smoke cover from Desperado and Yojimbo to discover and clear...
You know both Bashi will have to come on the same edge (which you'll have decided during your deployment phase)? They'll have limited utility if...
Would work for any Minelayer, too...
How many play with destructible terrain? Cos the D charges have plenty more utility if you can bust through walls...
Have you thought of Ikari, yet? When I got into JSA (having previously played Yu Jing), I did so because I wanted to try both. And, I feel the...
Wonder how an aggressive Haris will fare... I'm gonna try it soon enough...
So, you could use multiple Speculative fires? Or, as they have the same label, could you mix speculative fire, intuitive fire, and mmlx?