It's also Optional. So, if you get hit by something like E/M, which doesn't automatically cause damage, you can choose to roll BTS against the...
I checked the PDF, apparently they are only for Spiral Corps...
Well, the profile didn't get updated, and the rules have been released on pdf: This is an extra clause; ยป In addition, players can choose...
The reason you'd take an Oniwaban as a lieutenant is really to gamble on having the first turn. Which isn't entirely useless. Besides, if you can...
I tend to play with a sacrificial power lieutenant, and Chain of Command. That way I can spend the lieutenant order getting stuff done in the...
I bought into JSA on the grounds that I could also get into Ikari with my Yu Jing. And, I bought into Druze on the grounds that I already had...
Pretty much, although it comes from a throwaway comment in a game against Qapu Kalki.
I love the AVA3 on pathfinders, but... seeing as Druze use Kameel remotes, why can't we have Rafiqs instead? I mean, rifle + light shotgun on a...
I would probably want my AHD in a 4 person link, at least, for SSL2 (for catching Stealthy people in repeater ranges). And, there is a better...
I dunno about anyone else, but I usually go into a game with a plan for when (not if) I'm in Loss of Lieutenant. Granted, I don't want it to...
I guess the dude means that when the AHD is the sole hacker in a link, she gets SSL2, and can even target models that have stealth moving through...
Yeah, I wouldn't want some kind of box-ticking, quota-filling, cookie-cutter background story either. But, there are ways of dropping hints...
Absolutely. The stuff that's going on in Uganda is just as stomach-churning. And, I much prefer a grittier, realistic take like Moonlight, or...
How about deliberately making the background ambiguous to allow that to happen?
And, that sounds like things were pretty cool within your family, although I'm only going on that one sentence, so what do I know? If, as you say,...
In the little character asides, I guess. And in background stories. It's not about having quotas or trying to make it mainstream, but I think it'd...
Indeed! Precisely because of this increasing diversity - I get the feeling we're singing from the same hymn sheet and preaching to the choir...
Hah! The only example I read was (laughably badly executed, really) an aside in Uprising!
My point (across all those topics) is that diversity isn't a single monolithic political-correctness crusade. There are different facets. So,...
I'm not going to take that the wrong way, don't worry! The argument isn't to make *every* character or *every* movie have someone gay in it, but...