Druze are one of the few Duo options tho, and their hackers come with pitchers, so they make nice utility combinations, rather than heavy lifters....
Posting photos, narratives, back stories, fluff... basically to be as creative as you want to be!
I'd quite like them to switch remote suppliers to Haqq, but keep the current AVA...
It's not an early-phase ARO, that's for sure. But, if you've knocked out the big HMGs already, it could provide handy mid to late game objective...
What if you play the Zhayedan as a soloist? For instance, the sniper is one of four profiles in the faction and, Ghulam aside, is well priced. I...
Why not, already got crazy koalas...
I only started thinking about it in Ikari; there are only 2 options there, and one of those has potentially prohibitive SWC cost. Simply, if it...
Because you want the free order, and with all your Veteran troops you don't really mind being in Loss of Lieutenant? I've had success with an...
I really like the Zhanying profiles; initially I took a shine to the SSL2 hacker (after having played a wardriver in Ikari), but the madtraps is...
Having played plenty of hacker/gun duos in Druze, the AHD/Tinbot TA duo seems neat. It's pricier than the Druze options, for sure, but much more...
The alternative is that all Druze line infantry can form duos, so you can play with multiple small teams spread across the table, combining them...
I've used that combo too, the Red Fury has some nice rangebands go hunting across the table in the endgame..
Also, I use Knauf as a Druze sniper. So, it's a mini Druze starter... :thinking_face:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't both those factions stable (that is, without considerable new releases) for a long time before OSS and Spiral...
Maybe he was an early character design for Defiance, before being moved over? Or maybe he's a crossover?
My point was that as fireteams ignore Surprise Attack, it would still generate the negative modifier, but I can see your point. The 15% extra...
It's not necessarily that you use it to attack more than one model at a time, I think the point is that it imposes that -6 mod on a single target,...
Of course, if you're taking down a fireteam, SSL2 removes surprise attack. But, not the MA5 mod.
With apologies if this breaks things down too simply; blame my maths-teaching day job! The calculation is actually based on the opposite of the...
A core of 3 (or 4, if I want a SSL2 hacker) is my go-to, and maybe a Haris. Otherwise, it's lots of duos (for efficiency). If a profile can stand...