Because Facebook invalidates the links in weeks. If you try to load them directly you get "URL signature expired". OTOH, images uploaded to forum...
Delegate or don't delegate. But don't deal "Pringao" or "Pito del sereno" desk plaques.
Antenociti managed to keep it open? Or do I misundertand what you mean? Anyway, is still there, just...
Who has red name? HellLois or Koin appear same as other nicks, and the "CB Staff" ribbon is yellow. Maybe previous forum software? Or someone that...
Tempban vs permaban. Ban vs account closing. Etc. It's a matter of defining what words involve. Just like game rules. I can give you more...
Problematic users must think they are getting a free pass... because it seems they are getting it a lot. Maybe not, but the public perception says...
You can adjust zenithal to a less extreme range, just like contrast can be mixed or thinned, when the situation demands it. So do primer in dark...
For the first coat try getting Badger Stynylrez primer (also sold relabeled as Mig Jimenez Ammo One Shot and Ultimate Modelling Products Primer)....
Needs more terrain and fan base is smaller. I believe everyone more or less agrees on that. Consider if the channels (videos, groups,...
IIRC gloss varnish for latex zones and epoxy for the tanks full of liquid.
Because oil or because cadmium? Not even fluo? In this case, and if using the apply then remove technique, it seems the white underneath has...
Don't other companies sell "random contents" at lower price than the contents would normally be? Warlord Games did, ~50% off. So ITS price up or...
Images in post above fail to load. Other posts load OK. Wrong permissions?
Web site has a bunch of manuals, so you can check what parts you get. What is the size of each base cube?
SWM announced past year they were closing. Web still up and no obvious notice, so maybe liquidation sale is taking time or maybe they found a new...
First time I heard about C1 I thought they were going as Mantic sci-fi (Warpath vs Deadzone) or Battletech (Classic vs Alpha Strike). Same (or...
Right, it's 275 / 230 = ~1.196, so 19.6% increase.
Do they cast them or do they outsource? Wild guess is they are in the same boat than some Reaper ranges. Slow expensive boat latelly.
Yet returning parts until everyone gets full miniatures that only require some sanding seems to be a good way to get the message across. Way...
Because they thought they could use the radial layout (as for spin casting) instead of a tree of tubes (which seems to be the norm for this...