Well, I assume you are talking about Solar (and others) here with the repeated and unrepentant offenders, but you still threatened Triumph, who...
Wait, did Solar just call Triumph a "whiny little bitch" and you are arguing against Triumph's attitude and fucking threatening him with a "time...
This is the truth, sadly. If you want to compete on equal footing you better play a recently revamped Sectorial, peak game balancing. And I...
We still don't have the stats for all those sweet support units that the marines have but IA doesn't. Watch those pure linkable waveriders be...
Not gonna lie, watching Nomads getting Nomad'd and crying feels like justice
You don't need a History major to know what a Gladius or Spatha are, but it is quite weird having a policing force named "Gladius" if you know two...
What I'm reading here is both playing games at less than 300 points or more than 300 points nerfs alpha strikes. That's not a reinforcements...
You still clinging to that absurd conspiracy theory where all of us are sinister masterminds plotting to overthrow CB's attempts at balance so we...
I don't know about the rest of people's communities here, but people using the rules "creatively" are kind of a red flag in mine
So out of a 15 page thread the only guy saying Reinforcements are well done is you, but somehow everyone else are CA players angered because all...
Well, he just proved YOU wrong, with quotes from the source book and all. But you are so knowledgeable in the lore that it won't take you a minute...
I'm gonna be honest, even with all the stuff going in this forum I wasn't expecting "Infinity is like LIFE" to be an actual argument. I'm just...
Shame I already did and I guess you haven't read much if you think this is a "complex and complicated universe with depth and perspective" when...
Which calls into question why the nation with less resources and on the verge of dissapearing all the time don't get the law enforced on them by...
You surely aren't suggesting Nomad Sectorial troops are Nomads? because that would be total crazyness
Face it, guys, the reason the nuns are messing with Sepsitor is not to make them appear kinda bad, it's to justify the new Sepsitor profile...
Look, man, I don't really care about you going all red only when you personally don't like what people say. Go take a look at the store, go take a...
It doesn't exist anywhere since the year it came out.
You can keep repeating obvious lies, doesn't make them truths. I love how you have gone from "really guys, Nomads are not favored" to "all these...
Aftermath is not the problem, the problem is a full rework of Bakunin hot on the heels of a full rework of Corregidor while other sectorials are...