Unfortunately I don't want to waste neither time nor money when people I trust and that have been playtesting the game tell me it's mid so yes,...
Show me the game sites not previously collaborating with CB that are saying anything about Warcrow. And this is not trolling but an honest...
Please show me all that Warcrow love, because it for sure isn't showing in the internets (subreddit doesn't even have 1000 members, and that's...
No wonder you don't know how language works if you are treating a metaphor like a literal fact. The fact remains the sectorials are gone and not...
So what you are saying is unless CB gives us a contract in writing about sectorials coming back they are not coming back because they can tell us...
Because this is how language works. Let's say you get fired, but they tell you "you are fired until we hire you again but we don't know when or if...
WB will eventually get all of the IA units, so IA can get squatted
I don't think they are gonna wait until Adepticon/GenCom/whatever to release miniatures they got the concept for already. Specially when it seems...
ISS vs QK is police vs pirates, but we haven't seen anything about new QK minis, not even concepts. ISS vs Tunguska on the other side is police vs...
Obviously I don't mean the entire list but mostly the characters
vHaqq is hands down the best managed change. And I won't don't be surprised if StarCo gets folded into Corregidor.
I don't see the powercreep, they are similar to Blades with no visibility mods except against visors, no deployment tricks and very short range...
Well, you can write fluff to justify anything a posteriori, point remains none of them were ever Aleph units but got included to the detriment of...
When you say "even remotely make sense" are you referring to Atalanta and Hector or to Hawkwood, Knauf and Samsa? Because some of them make a lot...
Unsurprisingly people like to play cool miniatures and characters they were playing before without having to expand to a whole new army, and...
Yes, sure, that's why we suspiciously get all the reinforcements plus the newest releases in every vanilla, for lore reasons; also removing iconic...
You could buff the Sophie so she was on par with Parvati, or you could just remove Parvati (and a lot more things) so you sell the stock of...
It's literally the same it was except hopefully fireteams don't null it. The only thing Bostria says in the video is Impetuous is now linked to...
When did we get to "if the company fucks you, it's your fault"? You can repeat it all you want but that doesn't make it true. Also, of course the...
But... trust didn't grow after Uprising. The thing is it only affected a minority of players while the rest were laughing at them with Bostria...