One of the dumbest takes I've read in this forum, and that's a high bar
If USAriadna were a spearpoint for sales in the USA (America is a continent) it wouldn't have been abandoned halfway and it wouldn't be canned....
How will a new sectorial help the existing sectorials?
Big TAGs missing TA is not a bug, Szalamandra, Cutter, Zeta and Avatar all lost it, some got a NCO sidegrade, some didn't. Now, Hypolitta and the...
<this forum works like shit> I'll use this duplicated post at least to say I don't understand how they buffed every faction then totally crapped...
Pilot doesn't grant the Gator shit outside the vanilla Dodge and Gizmokit bonuses, the "pilot" himself gets the +9CC, there is not TagCom label...
There won't be 3 factions by January, if you can't buy a faction that's not playable. Also, judging by how N5 is going, I'll believe in the rules...
If you do move+move with Superjump you would jump 12", 16" with the ubiquitous Jump (8")
Then there is the fact the MO Tik is losing AP ammo in N5, so suddenly the comparison looks a whole lot closer
Maybe you "have been through this before", but no matter how much you repeat it "Nomad sectorial is not a Nomad release" is still false
Compare Tarik with the poor Bronze
It's 2 points for the Gator, Long Wang just got the Nomad discount
You can reactivate the ball if you have LoS, no need to get your engi to its ZoC
That would mean having finished rules ready, and i don't think that's the case
A guy doing the Cyberpunk Edgerunners neural booster thing doesn't strike you as Tunguskan, the epitome of cyberpunk?
So exactly what GW has been doing when they retire miniatures, but somehow GW is bad and CB isn't
They have to delay it (twice now) because it's not ready to release, henceforth it is rushed. It's not rocket science really. Now, do we believe...
This sure makes me think N5 it's gonna be an awesomely tested quality product and isn't being rushed for cashflow 100%
They are still playtesting for Corvus, but thank you for telling me what the people I know are doing because you heard about it online. Amazing...
This is what you get when you ask a honest question I guess, from people collaborating with CB no less