I mind too much if CB were to trim down on the number of knights and them move them into Sval and other sectorials. The Sepulchers could be moved...
I hear a lot of talk about PanO having a faction cut to make space for Sval - was there some statement from CB that I missed about limiting the...
Wasn't even considering that but, yeah, that's pretty big - especially when one of those repeaters has a 6 inch move and starts halfway up the field.
That looks alright, yeah. It might kinda sting having all your attack pieces concentrated in one link team - I'd probably consider this instead:...
Bloody locusts, infiltrating their posts on to the thread in advance.
I've never found him particularly interesting to be honest - I think he has two major issues: If you're running him solo, then for the same price...
I know that we're getting kind of off topic here - but I'd just like to say that learning about a caste of enhanced cephalopods that are smart...
Couple pointers - first is that you can actually replace the suryat multi rifle with a raktorak vulkan shotgun to save on costs and add a...
I'll concede to you here - I wasn't around to experience that era. I think we're pretty much in agreement about the changes we'd like to see...
There is enough punishment for ignoring objectives without retreat, in that you aren't going to be scoring the points you need for a victory. What...
While I am strongly in favour of majority button pushing missions, retreat is fundamentally an unfun mechanic that punishes players for doing too...
The Marut 'paying' for Strategos 1 is ultimately just a side effect of the formula based pricing that CB uses, and while I fully agree with the...
Actually, fuck it, let's have some fun. I've statted what I think would make for a cool interpretation of the Manticore as a TAG. MOV: 6-6 | CC:...
Haha, do you want to set the forums on fire? On a more serious note, I think a manticore themed TAG could be pretty cool - double heavy shotguns...
Pretty much, yeah. The order I'll always prioritise in is: The FAQ, official clarifications from the forums, RAW from the wiki, how people around...
Ooh I actually quite like the sound of that - A TAG themed around a monster from greek myth. I'd personally like to see something in the 70-90...
Oh lawd, I just assumed that there was consistancy between how the different bonuses applied. Never dawned on me that there would be different...
I'm confused as to why jammers being BS weapons or not would matter, as Fireteam Bonuses specifically apply to BS attacks Jammers are technical...
Official rules clarifications are what the FAQ is for. As @Section9 says it wouldn't make economic sense to create a forums team, and we're...
Consider the marker as less of an official step and more of a visual aide that ensures you can keep track of the point on the table you choose to...