Haha, that's far from the worst example. Presenting: Lieutenant Stephen Rao, and his brother: Lieutenant Stephen Rao Lieutenant [ATTACH]
Another thing that I'll add to the list of "command and control" things Yu Jing can do is their ability to make hyper efficient order batteries...
Was literally just about to post my suggestion but colbrook got it out first - two colour situation seems smart. Might fall apart a bit for CA...
Yeah I definitely see where you're coming from on a lot of those points. Taking a plasma rifle Q-Drone instead of the HMG variant was actually a...
In honour of tactical awareness coming to TAGs this season I present to you, the single most obscene thing ever to grace 400 point games: THE...
Laughs in Sepsitor
From the wiki, emphasis mine: I would be very surprised if CB ruled that you lost the order.
Picture the situation: You're a judge in the interplanetary war crime court, O-12 has started processing various prisoners of war from CA, the...
The Cadmus is just as good at getting there, but there'll a lot of situations where you'll find yourself wanting the Speculo's smoke, marker...
Is it legal to just not designate a Liason Officer?
Admittedly having the Varangians makes it slightly easier to score, because there's going to be 3 to 4 of them in most lists and they're likely to...
"That invading alien army can employ mind control devices and soldiers who eat people as much as they like, but boarding shotguns is where I draw...
On top of that there's the fact that you can't add a spec sergrant to cut down on costs. To be entirely honest I don't rate Joan that highly in MO...
I'm slightly confused, sorry if I'm being obtuse here. FA2 doesn't let you fire at any more than burst one in reactive, it just mimics the -3 MOD,...
Full auto level 2 doesn't stack with supression though - level 1 is only usuable in the active turn and level 2 doesn't work if you're in a state...
I'd argue that there are (Veteran and mine dispenser come to mind), it's just that the fact that many armies do not have them that's the problem....
If TAGs do get a buff, it's likely people will see them coming and plan for killing them - I know you said low number of opponents would make it...
On top of this, I'm not against bringing back the ability of supressive fire to shoot through smoke - possibly also at a -3 penalty?
I think I'd like to see more of an emphasis put on the "high-tech" nature of TAGs and HI in general - both unit types should get more than just...
I am now in love with the idea of dog warriors running around carrying suitcase nukes. An entire city just gets vaporised and in the middle of it...