Oh, that's easy. I'm giving this prerogrative to myself when adressing to people constantly whining and making peremptory claims about stuff they...
Another crash yesterday, it's ridiculous
Whining on forums is easy, running a business is a bit more complicated. And yeah, sometimes some unexpected think occur and you have to change...
I'm always surprised how bad small-ish companies like CB are at communicating. I just don't get it. It should be easy, it costs nothing but a bit...
Or maybe the profile just changed and they want the mini to match better. As usual, you don't know. Shhhh.
Forum dead for several days again, great strategy to keep the hype up in these times of N5 launch, congrats CB :)
Well, that's exactly what I'm saying... Even if most people stay at work until the friday before Xmas, anyone not subject to regulation by law can...
Sure, saying "bring me my gifts, you lazy Spaniards, you'll have some time with your friends and family after that" was really on topic. No, I...
No, I'm teaching you that an entire country going on holidays on the same day is not a thing, whether it is in your country or not. People can go...
Some people (in Spain and everywhere else) are going on holiday before the 23rd, stop lying. You're a spoiled brat, saying it's a shame people are...
Too bad for you, get another job if you're not happy with it. And understand that some people may value more their personal lifes and the time...
Agent Dukash is expensive but seems incredibly strong. And it's LI, so hacking won't stop it. Neither will CC (except a CC expert sitting in dep...
I would complain if I wasn't not mainly playing vCA... :D
Factually impossible to know without knowing the N5 rules and eveything around.
I think several of us mistook the holoprojector for an holomask... Which changes a lot of things, as the LT goes from super safe to super obvious...
I meant the screenshot of the profile on the previous page. Only Shindenbutai is displayed. But great to see it's also available in Vanilla, it's...
Oh, cool, then the Army preview is wrong. Again... :D
That's an incredibly good LT. They really want to force me buying some Shindenbutai (not available in Vanilla :( )...
As always, we need the full n5 rule to actually know if it's a good change or not.
But will the standard TAG pilot provided with the TAG have also this profile and bonuses? If yes, does it make sense to bring an additional pilot...