My god, this new Charontid is just pure gold. Hacking Device Plus, Plasma Rifle, LT +1 order, ECM Hacker -3, X-Visor, Sepsitor Plus and Pulzar B2...
Now, your pseudonyme makes even more sense! On the contrary, I'd say it's one of the most relevant change CB ever made. Sure, it killed some...
Yeah, it feels a bit too random now... And I hate situations (like pushing buttons or now throwing smoke) when you have to spend one order, two...
We are not talking about "principles", we are talking about rules... ;) The MSV3 rules says it is possible to make an attack without the need for...
RAW, it is. Discover + BS Attack are two individual short skills. Not this. Even though I'm pretty sure it'll back FAQed accordingly.
Thank you for illustrating my previous message with a good example of peremptory statement to be avoided for now... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I really fail to see how one can make such a claim whithout having played/faced the profile, or even played a single proper N5 game yet... I think...
Wanna see a fun profile? There is a 12-points Keisotsu with a Thunderbolt and BS Attack (-3)... :stuck_out_tongue: They are now BSm it's actually...
Woops, that's the Vanilla Haqq topic, I was talking about Hassassins, my bad and sorry for the false joy...
Soooo, about these TAG-pilots-not-piloting-TAGs...? It looks like "we wanted to get rid of TAG pilots in the game but the minis exist so here is a...
Same, same, same, super hyped! :smile: I'm 100% sure each year to wait will be worth it when it'll finally be out. With the videogame industry,...
Oh, there is nothing to gain by it. However, it's not a reason to just let them spread their negativity and toxicity freely. Because moderation is...
That's indeed just great. And they can make nice defensive Duos with also Muyibs and Govads. Love it.
No, I'm sorry to insist, you didn't explain how my message to Jim The Third "I don't buy miniatures because of the rules. Many other people don't...
Infinity players doing tournament being a minority of the players, I feel it's then fair to tell someone saying "People buy miniatures because of...
Either because it's a typo (not probable) or just because they didn't like the non-interactivity of it. IDK.
A coconut and a blueberry are also fruits, buddy. Does it make sense to compare them? Also, it's a saying, are we really going to argue about its...
You're trying to compare apples and oranges. Camo and Armor and two very different types of survivability.
That will be a veeeeeeeeery active topic in the coming months... :joy::joy::joy:
Sure buddy, mute everyone you don't agree with, that's how you debate and exchange ideas. And you didn't even understand my message correctly....