That seems balanced and fine, it's not like they have a means to, on multiple redundant profiles, completely ignore any enemy ARO they would have...
NWI Doctor/Parvati shooting themselves with B2+ Medikit/Gizmokit most likely.
No, it's just very much not in line with the FAQ 1.1.1 nor rules V2 changes. If opponent is in Line of Fire - resolve without Silent If opponent...
Silent is probably not a good idea. In part because it doesn't do anything if you're using this in LOF to the target, which is in large part the...
As a small injection to Robert Shepherds points up there: The high price, and the awkward/bad profiles it is on, of the mandatory commslink is...
One of the requirements that must be met is : Deactivator can only be used against Enemy Deployable Weapons and pieces of Equipment, that have...
Oh yes. Losing access to key units really hurt gameplay a lot (which for me definitely included Keisotsu!). Having my Raiden and Haramaki...
Considering the combined amount of whining that PanO players managed to generate for briefly having one old miniature be made obsolete to them,...
Not entirely. You can measure from any part of your silhouette at the start of the movement. What this means is, if your Bronze is standing...
As the FAQ is written, it is correct that jumping downwards is a lot harder than jumping upwards, yes. Climbing, however, should work the same way...
Same here. Just moving a unit in the list seems to trigger undesired behaviour. Most recent reproduction steps: Open Army, defaults to PanO...
I will preface this with that I do not intend to divide and conquer - I'm not really interested in the debate as a whole, nor of nitpicking. You...
Oh yeah. Please unify and clarify what the drop marker is and how big it is This might seem like an artsy detail that should be left to player...
Bringing it up here as well. Dropping up to 100 points of fairly close combat slated units on last turn of the game currently indicates that a...
No this is not a mouse issue. It could be, but the solution is still to fix the applet even if it is. A mouse or mouse driver causing these...
Minelayer is far from the only skill that works this way. I gave you the example of Camouflage already, and I can also give you Foxhole, Hidden...
I'm getting these problems as well. Not consistently. Generally the more well managed and up to date Chrome and Edge tends to work for longer than...
Optional (for now). I'm lazy so won't dig up the link, but Koni has officially confirmed that the wording is intentionally leaving it up to the...
There's no own/mini deployment phase. That's just a mental shortcut some people use, I suppose. The rules don't use that terminology at all. The...
Tangentially, but on the IGL Discord it is now being discussed how Reinforcements make a large chunk of missions unplayable. Not because people...