Something similar to Bluecoats is what you get if you remove Chain of Command from any given Pheasant profile. Also, if Haidao got introduced into...
Army: Ariadna (and sub-factions) Troop: Reinforcement Equipe Mirage-5 Browser/OS: Any platform / database Description: Sergeant Duroc is missing...
Celestial Guard, Pheasant Red Fury and Haidao are now announced in a Last Chance ISS bundle on the store. Time to ramp up the derranged...
New ITS season is now out, so time to revisit your concerns for/against last turn dropping. Pay attention to exclusion zones and fear Combat Jump...
To preface this; I do not think having an ARO against Reinforcements would be good. I think people should keep their distance from the enemy side...
Limited Insertion was an ITS extra similar to Reinforcement right now. There were a bunch of tournaments running it. And we're not talking about a...
The only data we have that is not strictly anecdotal is from N3 during the brief period when people were interested in this extra and SP took...
I did once manage to kill a dug-in Achilles (Hoplite) thanks to Frenzy kicking in. Steel Phalanx. Prior to the rework/upgrade they were...
Thing is there's only one faction that plays the 10 model format well and I'm not sure they do that using order inflation. Cover is good, but so...
I agree with the sentiment on why, but I do not think the suggested method is correct. I.e. why specifically let Nomads protect themselves (if...
The reason why you don't go off of orders is that then you start to directly mess with the value of orders. A TacAware order isn't necessarily the...
I'm largely agreeing with these, so I'll comment on the ones that I don't agree with. Limited Insertion: with how the game design has progressed...
In the hypothetical alternate reality where CB were pursuing that stance, then yes. In this reality, that's just community members thinking...
I'd note that if you examine the rules surrounding Guard very very closely, they are kind of messed up. Not only does Guard represent one of few...
While I agree with several in your list, let's not go so far as assume that CB having a different opinion on what is fun and what is balanced...
No, it's not legal, because when you draw LOF you have to draw LOF to another target. You can't draw LOF to yourself.
Speaking strictly about the mechanics design of these units, I'd remind you how Moiras were prior to getting Frenzy; "unplayable garbage" due to...
I think this is honestly a little bit worth worrying about. Results like these attaches to a brand and sticks around, and getting more friends to...
It works, but it bugs out if you do it in the wrong order. Set the limits (e.g. <=) before you pick a point level. You can change point level...
Ever read encyclopedias from the 19th century? Opinions or wishful thinking can definitely be stated as facts.