Have to point out that the main reason not to bring back N3 style shotgun impacts was and still is how incredibly awkward it was placing the...
I have to check. You are aware that the Bit & Kiss profile you reference doesn't have a hacking device?
For what it is worth, I think Beasthunter is an example of a well executed mercenary design due to the fact that they have a unique profile....
So far I haven't seen many reasonable people complain about Reinforcement profiles being added to factions other than that they weren't...
Others have already commented on Albedo as a permanent small Zero Visibility Zone being bad for the game, so I won't elaborate further there....
Yan Huo is on Zuyong level and is, under the extra armour plates, Zuyong armour. They train together, with the exception of slightly more heavy...
On doctoring: it's all about who you doctor. If you have the opportunity to doctor an important unit, and succeed, then that is absolutely huge....
Haidao and Zhencha aren't "low tech HI", they are high tech HI that has had medical modules removed for mobility reasons; the reason for their......
I get that people think reinforcements are uninteractive as they are deployed with no ARO, but so far I haven't had a single game where...
Fully agreed. I think most profiles have been played at an ITS tournament, though perhaps not for the best reasons. One could be essentially the...
I don't think it has. I made this thread to increase awareness of it and as a concept it essentially only hurts JSA, but it hurts JSA in a very...
Only one unit? You mad lad! Fine. Shang-Ji, just because you used it as an example. Fix: TacAware and Tinbot on all profiles. Remove the plain...
To expand a bit on what I mean with "good" and "bad" profiles; A "bad" profile is a profile which is generally speaking not taken in lists. We...
Just dumping a few reflections on where I'm hoping Reinforcements will develop now that it seems our area of Europe is one of few still giving it...
Haetae are just fantastic. In Reinforcements there's only really one profile unless you want to constantly end on 102 points out of 100 in your...
Not to worry. Haetae are veterans of the Korean Zhanshi detachment's (and humanity's) first contact with the Morats, but that was long ago and...
Had a lovely game of Resilience Ops using Reinforcements at 350 points and house rule that Reinforcements arrives on T2. Once setup was done, the...
For the benefit of readers: the card gives you the option to put down two zones of "Special Terrain" not Difficult Terrain, not Saturation -...
The card asks you to put down a zone with a special terrain rule for Zero G. Do we assume this is Difficult Terrain or do we discuss it with our...
Getting off topic from Daebak, but Su-jian is also a terrible fit from gameplay perspective. Yes it is good, but what you're doing is...