Wow! I didn't think this would go this far, Six pages
Was MO ever a good army? After reading some of the things here I would like to know what it was like to play MO in the past.
It's about time
I could not have said it better, Thanks guys.
So! after reading every here I came up with this list, not sure about this one, but I have my linked FK with ML and a OS that is linked with a HRL...
When I play NCA, I always hide my LT in a link or I will have a one Fusilier in group two.
Do you have any examples of 13+ Crusade list and Has any body played the 300 box set of MO and if did, how did it work out?
I like the list for missions like Biotechvore, At this time I'm not sure which way to go with Joan and her link team, I have a lot of good advice...
So! guess it is time to put the Joan link team to bed? I'm thinking CB has done something wrong here with the Joan team, what could be fix this?
In the list I played this past Saturday I only had a OS with HRL, and I think I should have placed him on a roof top and use him as an over watch...
Thanks to everyone for their feed back, you'll have given me a lot to thank about
Yes! I agree, with you 100%. I did not think off that.
I would like to see MO get back the FUSILIER!
I have been playing MO for 4 months and I don't like MO at all, I'm at the point where I want to stop playing them, That said, They might fit your...
I have been playing MO for about 4 months now, And I have not been having fun with MO at all. Last weekend I was playing MO in a game of...
Next stop! Varuna for me.
Wow! I have been looking for this, because, I'm planning on working on Acon as well.
Smoke! for Pano, But I know it's not going to happen, But I can yell, smoke for Pano! till it happens.
I like it! but then again I suck at playing MO. So, let us know how you came out with this list.
I'll be pick the paint set, because I all paint my Pano units in Pano true blue, but most of all I want the FO figure