Never mind, I figured it out it's working
Not sure, if it is my work computer, but army 7 is not working right. can't make any list, The units are there but when you check on them nothing...
Dude! that is nice!
I know, It's just I have two of them, I guess I'll be using them as Koj's.
Sad, about the Father-knights
Hey! what happen to the father-Knights and the Crusader Brethren?
As for me, I feel that the changes might make the game a little bit more fun, for Pan-o? not sure right now. My group stop playing because of the...
I like the new Cutter but the old one was just as cool.
The father knights are still father knights as far as I can tell.
So! now that Winter force is coming out, are we going to get more Fusilier's, For the Winter Force? Just want to put this out there, CB! I would...
That's Ok.
I was going to take a wait and see on the new Pano faction, might be fun or it might suck.
You! are Sooooo right. It is stuff like this is why I done come around here as much as I use to, I use to come here to get away from the real...
Look! I have faced ethnic oppression, here in the USA and this story is not ethnic oppression, It's not real, it's make believe. I don't think...
Guy's! Let's try to keep in mind this is just a story in a game.
I like the old Jotum
Not sure what is going here but do we have to put race in everything? This is just a game played with characters or people who are not real, (IMO)...
I use Fusiliers a lot, in my NCA. I have not yet played my Varuna, but I would like to try Bipandra some day, she is very hard to fit into a list.