So you have learned well and get a leather paint in efficient way time to get another secret about this leather that makes things as fast but...
for photos if you are not making them with potato - set EV to -1,5 this will reduce brigntnes so they will not be over exposed any more to...
holy Guacamole it was a time tilt last posted mini XD so time for battle Angel Allnamura ?? or how this unit is called beside Alita mini ??...
So i got 13 H on my belt in XCom Chimena Squat as usual Fraxis got no idea how to optymise engine - same as in X com 2 - set in GPU control...
col Zondnautoica got this Transformated version ?? dunno id i would go for orangish base tho whole thing with Libertos isa bit fishy ..
Talens Acrylic Oil Varnish 115
not personal just good primer shoud not rub off from surface so it is a bit strange to look at so much chiped off paint
o Hazmatslut :) Holy Guacamole grey paint do not like you at all looks like chalk collor selection caind of correct but but this grey is just...
you got some bad primer ..
hym .. something wrong going on with black parts ... like ther is a missing paint ..
ok Got there badass seal of approval is Domaru new one or old ??
So as i got taged you got to much paint in the mix you need Black , White , Purple , blue , and fluo red or orange ( yellow is a good idea...
Outer wilds .. [MEDIA] thous 2 titles are constantly mispoken in reviews but they are not same
ow holy carp forgot topast rest of the minis .. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
So thous are metals ?? it would explain why they look sharper then thouds i painted :)
game you actualy want is Outer Wilds not Worlds ;)
Yoka lele and the imposible liar on EPig store for free tilt 1st 17:00
it is clean so it works will look good on table .. i wouls add things to the bases butthats things of taste .. probably im doing way to mutch...
MAX imus in the house [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] good idea but model is suffering from just rescaling swiss model syndroe and that it...
sO Mr Masscarpone :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Definitly not Worst mini from A ! but not yetther best ones :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Perveti ??...