Ha ! So mr Garlic you made a big leap of faith with this one. Where to start maybe from pros : congrats on interesting idea and to be brave...
IF ANY OF authors would like more detailed write up he just need to ask and i may try to give some hints (beside nr 20 - he need god .. i...
So lets begin i will do something yu do not get often im gona make a write up 1: Safe play all tho white and black is one of the hardest...
i remember how this mini was ann annoience to mount and paint you menage to make it quite well and solve by painting an strange issue with...
So lets ad a bit of context to this minatures :) [IMG] This ia a Hella on minature :) [IMG] and as usual i got Twins :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
o holy Cow you are alive .. and this 112 is preppering for a suplex :)
So how do you paint osl Thor well you need a correct music :) [MEDIA] and then paint :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] and ye a Twins Thors...
ok something about thor :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] o and yes there is another duo i got evry one of them twice :) - butthis in a...
aww shame - but rethink this Butt leg ;) https://store.corvusbelli.com/wargames/infinity/bootleg/lizard-pilot it would ad ODD to a mini XD
firy orange is a good one - you may always add white to it and it will be yellow when Flat yellow + white = offwhite
as usual easy way is - get fluo paint but if you are for effect with a normal paint it must radiate to near by object and thiws usdualy looks...
Pokemon .. you gona mount somone on it ?? like a pion up mini ??
So it is Hiden keisotsu Crouching Butai SWC box including one marksman rifle kempetai
acha ok . so if you go for clean effect - do all clean gor get a dirty parts on purpouse if you go dirty look a clean part will became focal...
ThisKempetai mini comes from ??
thous recent things looks like OG Apple seed art designs colours /( they later change it to worst imho ) - congrats look good
i may help with osl but i need to know where you putt it first ?
XD so im not the one doing Knauf Pretty boy
[MEDIA] So yes there is a promotion on GoG .. if you like to suffer and get in to some of the strangest rpg game there is .. just right...
so A crisis protocol Star Lol yes thous are 2 minis i painted 2 at same time [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] it is a plastic mini so lvl of...