@Golem2God there is one thing i changed from classic minature painting classic one include colours and shading usualy to a zenithal light...
and for free on GoG Warhammster 40k rites of war - like 24 h more
so looks like i forget to post some minis .. like most i made recently .. -__-' [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
o and if yu missed Watch Hogh 2 for free - they decide to give it any way for limited timer...
so ther was an ubi soft conference and ... ther is a aSSASIN cREAD vallahia game thats looks like discount Witcher 3 .. with clunky fighting...
[IMG] this may help to :)
[MEDIA] nothing wrong with a hard and dirty Wang ;)
so this is a Infinity mini with metalic paint ... made like 15 years ago .. today i would make it different (way better) [ATTACH] so yes you...
so .. . i got funny impresion i forgot to post a bit of minis ... lets fix it a bit .. Yum Yum from Red Veil .. a Dry Brushed mini .....
Colour nuance is a an easy thing as long as you realise that you may influence the look of the mini by temperature - cold and warmth colours...
ok there are some funny things First - Boobs - they are the only one thing on female mini that got struck by a light from the front rest is...
And injustice Goats among us on Steam for free https://store.steampowered.com/app/242700/Injustice_Gods_Among_Us_Ultimate_Edition/ no idea for...
it could be mine or not ;) i made one years ago , and i do not even know if it still online as blog page i used then change its profile and...
and you whant to make photos with Phone / compact camera / DSLr ?/ - all of them require different approach
about 44 h to grab from gog https://www.gog.com/game/forgotten_realms_the_archives_collection_one Eye of Bigbrother or something like this...
this mini reminds me of Deus ex on mods ... [MEDIA]
Looks solid looks nice , this blue NMM lacks final white spots but beside this Good real good :)
Whats going on with this untidy bushes between they legs ??
day of the gigant eyes ;) The osl is not your strongest part and thing on the belly looks strange for lighttowork oslmust be brighter then...
ha ha this intense Stare - "i seen sheat you have never dream of " ;) Will look good on table :) keep coming and painting