There is no Kuroshi raider - or im blind Ryuken 9 - now a hacker profile and al profiles now got mimetism -6 Yojimbo 18 p and immune to crits...
So i menage to find some of my "missing" photos oldest Ghulams[IMG] Oldest and in front a "Slim era Ghulams"...
Thing is ppl recognize mostly a specyfic outfit for Motoko - aka iconic one - vest , Swimsuit and high boots / pantyhos - all grey purple...
i was thinking about Cowboy bepop but i may get my self convinded to GITS .. but if so i will mostly go for clasic GITS not new one
Funny small head is on Female Kempetai XD and other thing is that all new minatures are same size and this is boring - if i get time i will...
Ha minatures go up but guns go smaller - old minis hold huge weapons , thing with faces is it is hard to paint well badly sculpted faces i...
and now time for big screw up and CB will decide a max ava for Yaoi is 1 XD looks nice :) all tho gun looks unfinihed
Hym now when you mentioned it .. Japan used a soldiers from 14 age and above in Okinawa battle and Kamikaze Pilots 17 and above . and JSA now...
ok time for rest of the minis [IMG] [IMG] Uff Keisotsu done at last :) - will c how much of them i need for N4 :P [IMG] Keisotsu +...
nice mini :) universal proxy :) nice grey but blue light on comlogs are mostly wrong but looks nice (unless the forarm comlog is semi...
ok it looks nice - on this huge model you could go for textures on thous surfaces but hey smouth shading is good to thing that do not work -...
Ha i made this Ragic with Strong osl effect - This type of Wings from Ragis unit isa good placa to train chiping and battle demage on mini -...
@Golem2God Och well i made a bit of minis but mostly non CB realated - Marvel Crisis Proctolog bit Back to CB [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] so it is a...
ok at last some resonable photos of JSA Kempetai [IMG] [IMG] so as you c they al l got different style of sculpts and a taste of things to...
Nah Tarik is funn :) i mad e my posing on old Tarik sculpt with blade risen up , we will c in N4 is he a good boy or Shelf Surfer ;()
i got feelings i painted this mini .. it is from haqq Vs YJ box ?? o and comlog is done this time :)
depending on time yuo put in to a single mini - you may spend time in nonefficient way so it may tok to much time on non important things
hym a nice orange and purple one is Anti Spawn ?? are they a Pi and Sigma ? 0-0
and again no body comenting .. V kazak - you could work a bit on global shading this usualy increse effect on the mini - and by this i mean...
So this is yours new Avatar - ok ther is a trick to painting eyes - paint them black first then paint whites white but live black outline...