Well in terms of non infinity minis Thanos the TRON master :) (or just Bad Santa 0-o ) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] butther are 2 more...
So im alive .. painted alot but not exacly infinity and i was lasy with photos .. But :) kuroshi Traider ?? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Hym .. have not comented fora while .. so this Korean unit looks nice in blue but this tomato red looks funny like he is wering this wool...
The thing with fantasy beast monsters is if they have to look teal they have to work on anathomical lvl in this case we got a below 5% body...
you mess the title it is called Dog Soldiers a good flick for Hallow Eve :) and nice PJ all tho it looks a bit lie lion ..
[MEDIA] Ayyy Mahariba :)
Hey Hey looks nice , the week part of your minis are usualy eyes but beside this Good job :)
uu i like this Riuken 9 mini you made there realy nice light you gotthere
Ther is some thing stange with neon hair mini - i think it may be a photo foult tho idea is nice any way
So the big problem of "Waaaagh im gona die they tiok stink out of Shikami " is over - he got Stink and 6-2 move but Chunky Boy Daiokay got...
A found it it is on 101 page last paragraph of Impetuous - is there any other biker that have a KHD and is regular ? - do not think so so...
place holder
all tho i have still no idea how cyber mask work with mimetism and with a Biker on top of that - Aregaro KHD is Aregato using Cyber musk...
Ye right they unnested it from Marker state not from Cyber mask :) Cyber mask rule mention of Surprise buttseks attack - but forget to mention -...
Well KHD grants this unit a marker state and Surprise attack from one of it weapons (all tho i woud not go for CC ) and do mind they poses...
Shikami now got Dodge +2 inches and with changes to Dodge this mean a declatation of Move + dodge = 10 inch movment - so ye a definite Nerf ;)...
Army: JSA / Ikari Troop: Yojimbo Browser & OS: Android Description: Yojimbo profile missing Smoke grenade luncher in his Mounted Version (it is...
Equipment : Mororcycle , Smoke granade Luncher - a lot of stuff change place so ppl running around shouting - "They nerfed My fav unit" -...
it is on his bike
Kuiroshi is back :) and changed - no more Flamethower - instade light shooty no longer special operative now Forvard Observer , Smoke granades on...