so you have worked in 3D ;) colours are a bit off for map painting / pink magenta go bottom green blur top . i may even do a mini in...
so lets follow with this : [IMG] [IMG] blocking up lasting colours and chacking contrast [IMG] almost done - over all things on correct place...
SO how it looks in wps : [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] so basicly this is bottom blue mid Green and overtop a red (when miced with blue you get this...
Air brush yes but is dooable with brush to :) base is actualy grey dark first go purple from under - it may be any other colour (green /...
Yes but could you be more precise as whole process would took a lot to write is it about collor theme ? or shading ?? or osl or creating...
ok lets folow this with more Aristeia ! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] so ye another minis osl "inquisitor: and Lunach
Holy Guacamoly .. it supoust to be a hellowen upload ... caind of mised a mark .. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] so ye i do not...
gloss Varnish on fake water for Tag . will look way better and if you put a Glassy arrylic gel medium on it +100 to effect (ot Vater effect...
ha looks li9ke somthing From Confrontation Alhemist :)
So we got black Fiday sale .. . there sis so much games with good prices but : Senua sacryfice Hellblade - historycly low atm at Steam , Ori...
Salamandra if i recall well :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] over all nice and cool mini all tho im not a fun of how gun and arms...
So EPig store is giving away an Alan wake and Observer - last if i recall performence of Rudger Hauer beside Valerian both games are good...
Yup - if this graph would be a mirror reflection - you get pink - more red then blue but still no green at all ;) even stranger things...
Rofl this color whele is so wrong XD if you menage to get out of RYB magenta or bright green - congrats color wheel starts about a 1704 ?...
easy to decide - just decected thous who know how colours and light work ;)
strange part refears to what an actual aligence of orange is - most ppl think it is red and they select a green as opposite for orange so the...
So the idea to paint orange is to paint orange not red or Yellow and that's is quite hard. if you highlight orange the brightest orange is...
that is what you get if you mix Yellow ochra + red + white ;) other one would be ochra + chocolate brown and a bit of white :) but ye Reaper...
No You would probably preffere if i type more then just no ;) so you may buy a lot of "flash skin " paints and none look like a skin :P...