"I have loads of evidence I'm just not going to tell you what it is, you should already know" look come on, this is silly, you know this is silly
Of course you don’t, it goes against what you think and you don't have any counter evidence so your only options are admit you might be wrong or...
Nomad units that are bad to the point of being kinda unusable Lobos Iguanas Healers Nomad units that are okay I guess but massively...
Basically there's zero evidence that backs up what you are saying and limited evidence that backs up what you are saying isnt true. You'll...
I'm saying that player skill is a factor but unless you have any evidence that a certain amount of players of X faction are worse than Y faction...
Sure And yet
My assertion is they aren't OP. I have limited data to support this. There is, to my knowledge, no data which suggests otherwise, merely...
This data, on its face value, unarguably states that no Nomad Sectoral or Vanilla Nomads is in the top ten most efficient I.e win/loss ratio...
I'm a Nomad player and I don't think they're overpowered, and I don't think the evidence supports that they are.
The graphic will be believed or not by people based on whether it fits into their preconceived notions, as always I would like to see the basis...
And yet even with those things, CJC and Nomads don't dominate tournaments
Nomad "scope creep" evidently isnt making them too powerful because they're not even in the top ten of faction efficiency at all. People just...
In terms of factions that I play regularly these are my current views. Nomads - Vanilla, v solid, few weaknesses, notably vulnerable LTs/squishy...
In terms of game balance the universal issues as I see them are; 1) Expensive 1 W troops are generally hard to justify in a world of DTWs, which...
Nobody gets to play the Bear and complain about how the Bear would theoretically be worse if the rules were different, which they aren't. Anyway...
PanO players don't have feelings, come now Also a CA player complaining about other factions is rich
Nomads don't get a lot of the courage rule which seems fair to me
Achilles is a CC monster. He's a serious motherfucker. He will get into CC with your TAG/expensive HI/whatever and fuck it right in half. Yes...
Most of the Nomad units you see competitively have been in the game for years and/or are extremely on theme. The Nomad.txt list is Jazz/Billie,...
My view of the game is that a lot of YJ players are still extremely salty about Uprising and somewgat inexplicably Nomads, and therefore CB must...