Different question: CB just dropped what I thought to be their November releases into their web store without announcing them or making them...
Same here. They sound super interesting mechanics wise.
That was a freaking fantastic read! Amazing job with the AI videos and images as well. Felt like maligned Sun Tze Marksman Leader was the MVP of...
Absolutely lovely!
Was about to say the same thing. That's some professional level of sculpting right there. I was already wondering where they had gotten the sniper...
Wow. That is one epic conversion, paintjob, and Diorama. Any place I can find out more about this project, preferably in English?
Thank you @Koin-Koin :) ...especially when they don't look at it and just walk away... Anyway, here's another Qapu Khalqi update Having...
If the Spiral exclusive loadouts make it into Tohaa, that would be cool. Then my Taagma sniper could stop being a proxy And who knows, maybe even...
Hey man, appreciate the shout-out :)
They already said Speedball will be summoned through the use of command tokens, so I'd cautiously disagree. My money is on some kind of...
Amazing model, cool paintjob!
Man, I feel you. As happy as I am for a lot of the things coming with N5, losing my NCA, my Squalo, my Uhlan (who never got fixed), and so many...
You can, for example, jump out diagonally from behind a building and go back diagonally to where you came from. No requirement to jump in a...
Lots of great stuff. So happy Qapu Khalqi is staying! So sad StarCo and ForCo are gone. After what Carlos said, I had hoped that they would have...
Nice to see all of you agreeing with me :) She's a very nice sculpt, with an elegant and subtle yet very effective pose. I like her a lot....
Soooo, an entire week about Sandtrap, with no infos on the rest of the game, which sectorials survive, and/or a rules overview? Great... Hey...
Love it. Such a cool character. Hopefully she'll be better in N5
Thanks! Next up: The CSU. In order to stick to my plan of having as many of my StarCo models as possible sporting studio colors (and with the...
That's kind of you to say! I find it's also sad you only ever get to see one side of most minis on the box art. So many minis become much more...
They might retire all of Varuna come N5 though. Don't bet on it.