From what I heard, Zellenkrieger definitely stay in Tunguska. Unfortunately, Uhahu will not be joining them, which means you can't use the full...
Now I want to run a Gorgos...
Holy crap, what an awesome idea and execution! I love everything about this :D From the seabed bases to McMurdercrab. Nautilus-Maggie is amazing...
After over a year of being preoccupied with a dozen other projects, I am finally coming home to my first love: Tunguska. With N5 on the horizon, I...
Whoa, nice job! How long did that take you?
Oh man, why do I even click on "show ignored content" from time to time? It's never worth it... @psychoticstorm , they're doing it again...
Is there anything that makes it distinct and different from a dodge (+3) skill?
CSU was never part of Tohaa. You mixed her up with the ITS CSU that everyone got. I'm honestly surprised we lost neither the MBH nor the Libertos....
The crazy thing to me about all of this is that for the life of them, CB doesn't seem to be able to set up a proper communication strategy like,...
It's definitely a skill to master. I learned a lot from elminiaturista. I recommend checking out his patreon if you want to get better at the...
It's not just a super general "something/anything" matter. It's a very specific "Why risk investing into one of CBs armies when they may make it...
Thanks! Today, I'm proud to share the last mini of my 2023 backlog. Call it OCD, call it mild autism, I like keeping track of every detail of my...
Bostria can say what he wants. When it comes to releases, Nomads #1 :grin:
Torchlight :P
Even though it doesn't seem I will be able to play her in N5, I also finally painted up the Anaconda I had lying around for ages. For some reasons...
Thanks to both of you! Here's the second one: [IMG] Even though I knew the Feuerbach would go faster because of the more closed pose and lack...
Thanks! It sure is :)
It's been a while since I painted something for my Dutch friend's JSA, but he recently commissioned the new Sokorentai. As a little gift, I...
The Uhlan hurts actually. It's such a cool concept for a TAG, but instead of fixing him (replacing the HMG with a cheap CQW and bringing his...
Ah, so Sandtrap officially releases in November, got it. Thanks, I had it switched around. The release calendar is up to date... on my laptop :D...