I have a few more Nomad commission pieces in studio colors to share from last year. For example, this Kriza Borac: [IMG] [IMG]
Thanks! Yeah, never seen purple YJ myself before, which is why I wanted to try it out so badly :) Thank you! Next up in that scheme: The Guijia...
Sure! Beige Base: Citadel Base Rakarth Flesh Shade: Citadel Contrast Snakebite Leather Shade: VJ Brown Wash Highlight: VGC Bonewhite Edge...
Sure! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been to the forums in a while. Here's the complete list: Dark Blue Armor Base: VJ Pancer Aces...
It probably would. I just stuck to the studio scheme for where to place colors, which has the skirt and the leg in the same colors too. And I...
The current truth seems to be that he always forgets his multispectral visor at home when he comes to the aid of Kosmoflot :P They look lovely!...
It's been a long time since I painted anything for my O-12, but I recently finished my converted Zeta. Mounted his HRMC on his shoulder to make...
Thank you! Your wish shall be granted :) Here's the first actual YJ mini for my friend – the Daoying: [IMG] [IMG]
Gorgeous, all of it!
I love all of these ideas, @Romiras :)
Hey guys, I have an update for the release schedule: I made a new version that splits the releases into everything before N5 and everything after...
Hey everyone, new year, new project! I'm finally getting to another idea I had for a long time, which is to paint up a Yu Jing force in the color...
Now that the latest Bromad Academy Painting Competition results are out, I can finally share my entry :) The theme was “branding”, so I painted...
As far as I know, yes.
I just remembered that I should do one more post before N4 is a thing of the past tomorrow. For one, to share the finished group shot of my...
Last member of the Aftermath box – Denma Connolly. Guy has a pretty busted-up face... I feel like I could have done the face and skin better, but...
You don't know which models will have Warhorse in N5. Just as we are seeing a lot more with BS Attack (-3) right now, we'll probably see a lot...
If Super-Jump turns Jump into a short movement skill, what prevents you from declaring two short movement skills? Aka two times Super-Jump, aka...
Looking at Infinity in comparison: Why do releases for Warcrow seem so incredibly slow? Two boxes per month – that's it?
Will be the same for me. I like Killjoy, but she is miles better. Here's the big guy, Ishinomori: [IMG] [IMG]