Since when became this thread a wishlist instead of a bug fixing thread? Guys, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's a bug. This...
That would be my favorite fix as well. Maximum of 1 turret per unit on the table at any one time.
But... you only have 12 models in this list. Which is kinda undermining your whole point. If you were to show us a 15 model list with six TA...
Thanks for the explainer. To those people you mentioned I would say that it's not the rule that makes people disagree, but their willful...
Because the Hacking program is not a BS Attack. It can't trigger the effect if it doesn't meet the requirements. Even if it were to happen during...
I don't understand how this is an issue. You quoted the requirements yourself: "The user is the target of a BS Attack." Why would that requirement...
Seems like I'm actually adding a lot to my O-12 this year. Here's a Raptor Boarding Squad. I used a variation on my color scheme where I made the...
Continuing with the big Taskmaster box: [IMG] [IMG]
Happy I'm not the only one! Here's some more red anyway :D Even if a slightly different hue (more magenta red): [IMG] [IMG]
Glad you agree! I made a note to myself to keep the red to a minimum on future models. Or leave it away entirely, like on this Zhanshi: [IMG] [IMG]
And this Interventor with FastPanda: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Wow. Combined Army players still find things to complain about? Because your completely broken mega TAG is now a fairly balanced mega TAG? I guess...
Thank you! I'm really enjoying how they're coming out too. With this next one, I also realized what they reminded me of a lot – Tron. I guess...
The customer base in France is in decline? Why?
The Anaconda, Iguana, and Maximus would like to have a word...
It looks like a Sulyong with Spikes on his back.
Question out of sheer curiosity: If Ariadna is as bad as you say (which I tend to agree with), how would you say you still manage to come out 5th?
There's also this Intruder: [IMG] [IMG]
Thank you! And you're right, purple is hard to pull off. I'm still not entirely happy with it myself. But it goes together beautifully with the...
Gorgeous,all of it!