For about 5 months I was playing 2-3 games a week running 10 Kum, and then a full 9 order 200pt~ Self contained army for my Haqq. So I could see...
I always assumed this was more a statement on the general efficacy of basic ECM that most troops have as part of their ComLog/Military gear. Like...
Worth remembering that in the last edition the Tractor mulls fired completely differently. If I remember correctly it used to be one laid down...
from what I can recall a bunch of the fluff is covered in the newer versions of the books of course. I think original Campaign Paradiso included a...
And Original Paradiso was pretty Tohaa focused. :thinking_face:
I think my issue with it is it feels as if theres more 'solved' lists. With most vanilla armies there feels like there is major ambiguitiy. How to...
Oh I wasn't being too serious either way I'll admit. Personally I dont see much of an upside to switching the game that way. Mixed Links becoming...
I've had very different play experiences with her. But then I didn't use old Asuka so maybe she was even better who knows.
They tried that once, everyone griped and moaned and now they're called Spiral Corps.
Wait what? Bad in what sense. The Kuroshi ride is one of the best LT options in JSA.
They're also able to do the ole' unidron trick. Where you go 1 wnd unconcious, 2nd wnd Unconcious 2 and stand back up into Dogged. So long as its...
Definitely not a terrible idea. My own experience I have had trouble getting this concept to work mainly because the -6 doesn't take effect vs....
Theres plenty of times where I've missed something so I always figure its better to ask first. :)
Well then I'd say that the Haqq players in this thread generally disagree with you. Won't try and make any claims about the validity one way or...
Im not sure I follow. I think you're saying that replacing a Daylami with a Libertos offers a more optimal improvement on value/slot? Remember...
Well I made the following assumptions: Infinity is complex and the efficiency of Units as the AVA Is expended is non-linear. Haqq players have...
Anaconda is definitely useable particularly with a brawler doing his best Chaksa Auxiliary impersonation. Big thing to remember is hes not a TAG....
Alot of people assume right off the bat that more mutts is more better. But the cost to benefit ratio goes down as a you increase them in numbers....
Its definitely a going second sort of tactic. But in my experience most of the time the brawler will be dead by the time you start your first turn...
@borings just realized I didn't include your Deploying Swarms piece. Added it as a resource at the end of the second post. Let me know if you'd...