Its been a while since I looked at the Maggie. You're probably right. @DukeofEarl Poor Knauf not even good enough to get a mention. :laughing:
Is it that much bigger than a Maggie? Based on the infantry beside it it looks what 10% bigger?
Is this what I have always wanted? A melee centric TAG? D:
But Ajax's body was part of the program that was designing Achille's body wasn't it? The body was just not as efficient as Aleph wanted so it...
I have a vague feeling I remember reading about a reference to Odysseus in the Ajax fluff? I want to say it talked about him being developed as...
And a nice juicy impact template can be an incredibly important tool to have. Edit: Re: the Samekh I believe you'll find some people dont run it...
Well the Bureau has authority over ALEPH so I would assume that a kill switch is within that authority. Though we know that Aleph can at times act...
Yes, this is why the special fireteam triads bother me. Some require Fireteam Triad some dont. But they all use a Triad nomenclature.
Just double checked. Reex and Krigel are still allowed in Vanilla tohaa it seems. Edit: To Clarify Reex are both lacking Fireteam Triad and...
FYI Not strictly true any more. A few of the new special triads do not include the Triad skill on all members.
Also these are early materials while Im sure alot of them will stay the same I wouldn't be surprised to see some final tweaks before print.
Not a bug per say but when G: Remote Presence was changed in the filters the G: Synchronized filter was also removed. If possible could we get a...
Interesting. I know personally I look at them and they just feel off to me now. I suppose I see too many ways to provoke the bomb off or try and...
Sounds like you find the updated mates good enough for this to still be viable?
Alot of games have a Hatred mechanic specifically to allow mutliple units/characters without allowing certain combos. Would be a little tricky but...
Looks like she gets a nice little discount on all her perks. Im digging it so far.
That was my initial thinking but then the CC Attack skill is worded like this and it got me a little confused. Which seems to equate CC Weapon...
This makes me wonder if Aleph could create a L-Host that looks/is biologically similar to either of those two alien species.
I wonder....can you dual wield a Heavy Pistol and a Sword? cause that would give him AP/Shock/T2 to play around with in varying combos. In my...
Interesting that he doesnt have the FTO notes like most of the other units we've seen.