Its a very common mistake to make I've noticed.
Are you adding the Points for baggage to their value on death? The Baggage points are only added to victory points not army points killed.
Regular Dakini can make for a tastey suppressive fire zoning piece depending on how you set up your list. I regularly bring 2-3 in Aleph for...
The missile launcher definitely benefits from misplays from your opponent but it does have some other minor uses over a sniper rifle. Where as...
I've run variants of this list a couple times to generally positive effect. Though it relies on a fairly dense table and fairly straight forward...
Thats interesting, O-12 never seemed to struggle that much against HI Links to me. Siruis Bots are basically the antithesis of HI Links...
By this logic we could say the Dakini is worse because the enemy will just bring MSV :P I like the Samekh because its cheaper and generally...
Have you considered swapping to the Samekh FTO? Not quite the same but its a solid option for a temporary AROing piece in that link.
Entirely possible, My Army App hasn't updated yet so I was just peaking at the web version.
Given that Explode doesn't trigger when a model goes dogged. I'd be inclined to say that ChestMines in CC work the same way.
Psst! [ATTACH]
I mean its cool you're passionate about this stuff but I'm not really here to argue about what should or shouldn't be from a balance stand point....
Come to think of it the ships from the Destiny Series would be a good thing to look for. Im sure theres a ton of them out there.
I thought it was pretty clear when I reviewed. Face to Face rolls happen when active and reactive are affecting each other. Total Immunity...
Doesn't this idea directly conflict with the idea that Flash Pulses don't force the removal of SymbioMates then? Edit: Nvm I just took another...
Yeah I think I misread a couple of bits and pieces there along the way. But no harm done :)
I imagine if you looked at the motivations of people the least pleasant to game against (ie: The most Asshole-ish) you would find that the...
I dont hate you rob Im just disappointed. :P
I see that human ideals have swayed you from the true path of the trisakiel list. I expected more from you. (Ps: Why isn't there a head shaking...
I would assume since we've seen the profiles already that we can expect them sooner rather than later.