I feel I've asked this before, and maybe I have, but I can't find anywhere in the rules that says I can't despite my whole five minutes of...
I've done that too but it made me feel dirty.
You mean in a game play perspective? Yeah, they're alright, but lore wise? They should just bugger off and let the human sphere blow itself up.
No, but the Combined Army can go to hell too, and that's definitely xenophobia. Humanity 4 Lyfe, yo. [MEDIA]
That is all.
Sure, as an attack piece he has too much overlap with Achilles to justify running him, but he offers so much more than brute force. The duo...
I mean, sure, but you're going to pay the iron price.
Drop the shock and the armor penetration from the small machine gun and it's a perfectly balanced weapon. The range band is perfect, the burst is...
Oh, we're back at this? [MEDIA]
If you ran this list in a tournament it would be the sort of beautiful disaster I would pay to see. I don't mean this in an insulting way, though...
Well...you've certainly picked your hill. It's one small mound to die on, but who am I to judge?
Uh, yeah. If a player can get the job done with a single specialist then more power to 'em. The problem is Corvus' mission design. Pressing a...
Ah, yeah. I guess that explains Yuan Yuans. Nothing screams subtle like a fat man dropping from the sky with a cup'o'noodles.
Last I checked it was my opponent who was supposed to stop me from tabling him.
Burn, baby! Burn! :-)
Why in God's name should I ever have to do that? Nah, man, Mahtamori said it best: if a player over focuses on killing then they should lose...
Call it the Medusa and give it sixth sense and a jammer. Or the Hydra with three damage profiles that grow stronger at each level. Or the Minotaur...
Agreed. A player should never lose for beating their opponent too hard.
Cabal, that's a great fix for hackers, but I'd like to go a step further. Corvus should trim the program list down to one to two per device and...
I mean, if this is a wish list? I'd like to see a rework of the Enomatarchos fire-team. It used to be that its big advantage was that I could...