They will. They've said that there'll be expansions that include additional missions more than once in the KS comments. I also noticed late...
You did; I think we agree and were talking past each other. :upside_down_face:
For sure--I think it's a great addition, actually. Means that those who don't already have shelves full of minis will have a place to store 'em!
So the target audience is those interested in the "crossover" game category--largely self-contained, miniatures-heavy affairs, some of which are...
You folks in the know keep telling us who is not the core audience, so here's my question to you: who is the core audience? Based on everything...
Don't get me wrong: I don't expect people who live and breath Brass to be interested in Defiance (though Brass is a fantastic game), nor do I...
A lot's been said here already. I'll just reiterate my point that if CB is serious about getting the board game set to buy in, they need to cough...
If they start offering stretch goals that aren't just existing component enhancements or bait to buy existing N3 minis, or they offer up some...
There's been a lot of chatter in the comments about the limitations imposed by the cap of 12 linear missions, plus the limited number of tiles....
I'm sensing a theme here. Maybe our 400K goal will be Alternate Tactical Junk for Cadin? :laughing:
It's impossible to calculate what the profit margin is on this without being on the inside. I suspect they'll do quite a bit better financially...
And that's my thinking as well. I'm in this first and foremost for the Shas-army-in-a-box; if Defiance turns out to be a fun game to play with...
I have to confess that my own enthusiasm has been dulled somewhat by the lackluster stretch goals though I'm staying optimistic that they've got...
The Shas in Defiance already make a decent army. Some of the Shas half of Operation Wildfire would also be helpful--esp. the Mentor and Shrouded.
Yup, it was included in the pledge confirmation for me as well.
Outcast looks like a paid expansion; if so, there's nowhere to make it to--just a matter of when they reveal it. :-) Besides, Kickstarters always...
Nice to see the forthcoming helmet option for the HI character; should help with those pesky plasma bursts to the face.
Eh, they're also pretty close together. And some of them--e.g., the turrets and the aggro tokens--I find most welcome. It does give the...
Stretch goals updated! :-)
One would think, we're knocking on the door of 200% right now!