What Smokey said. I'm toying with the idea of grabbing the Morat pack because I've always kinda wanted to play 'em and there's minimal overlap...
No. Their army got shelved without longstanding holes being filled, and a new army was launched in NA2. Spiral ain't Tohaa anymore than new JSA...
Sorry, I meant beyond the reinforcement cards/packs!
The post I lifted that from wasn't written by him. ;-) Still, I remain hopeful that we'll see some Tohaa or Sygmaa in Defiance, even if it's...
"Most importantly though - 2019 will be the year of the Tohaa players!" - Corvus Belli, December 2018
If you're in the Twin Cities, you're welcome to play Defiance with me. That said, your frustration is understandable. It's a large investment,...
GMG also did a Let's Play, I found it more informative than the others--your mileage may vary!
They've said that all of these sculpts are KS-exclusive. They've also said that most if not all (can't recall which) of these units will see...
I won't argue with you. They've made a few rookie KS mistakes here; this was one of them.
That's fair. I think it came out pretty early on though--I've been aware of it for at least a few days now though I can't pinpoint where I first...
I think we can all agree that if there's one thing this Kickstarter doesn't need, it's a Paolo Parente guest box.
Kickstarters almost always have a spike in funding in their last 24-48 hours when people who set reminders come back, reassess, and make their...
It may not be cool, but it was entirely predictable. Shipping internationally isn't cheap, and my experience with Kickstarters has been that if...
Off celebrating the year of the Tohaa, obviously. :face_with_rolling_eyes:
Outcast looks awesome and I'm sure we'll get to it, but the downside here is that they're using an add-on that's not yet available to drive...
Nope. Hoping we get some though. Also, Noctifers. The old sculpts aged gracefully compared to other Shas, but they look out of place alongside...
The indications from CB staff in the comments are that they're looking at making the extra legs, etc., available as well. There appears to be...
Nice catch! That's actually really good to know! I'm reluctantly passing on the Morat box--just cannot bring myself to get on board with those...
I tend to agree. I'm not sure why they've placed the expansions so far out, myself. If their funding goal was indeed what they required to make...
Specifically: Yes, the expansions must be unlocked via stretch goals, this weekend we will give you more information about it. Which is not quite...