They already know what retailer pledges are looking like; five bucks says they've planned accordingly. I'm not worried at all.
Yup. Quick math suggests there are 443 backers without a pledge level (the $1 wait-and-see crowd), and some of them will take the plunge. Others...
Right, because there's no reason the fluff might develop in dynamic, unexpected ways. Everything must be static! Static! 10,000 years later the...
I love the Church stuff, but agree with this. I'd prefer it had been allowed to be fully its own thing rather than being thrust in alongside...
There's definitely truth to it, and it's at least partly down to metal minis, and partly down to the way CB has locked all the really desirable...
Blackfriars, actually. They specialize in rooting out Shas infiltrators, if memory serves.
Send in a Swiss Guard. Closest we're gonna get to a stealth knight. Now where's that update ... ?
Didn't catch that it was cheaper. Maybe just tokens for enemies then.
My wild guess based on the box art and what we've gotten so far is that this will introduce CA heroes with Tohaa enemies. Haqq and Ariadna...
Definitely a new skin. That said, if it's cool and in keeping with his Inquisitor persona, it might make a great Black Friar or Father Knight....
Uhhhhh, yeah, it does. [and I will leave it at that] EDIT: Just read back and deleted pointless speculation after Armihaul's comment below.
I won't argue that it's hard to read--the Mission texts clearly, clearly, need a lot of work before their official release. Right now they're...
They've been deliberately vague about expansions. Official statements by Carlos and in the KS comments have always been worded along the lines of...
I think there will be more. No telling how many more, but more.
They've said repeatedly that everything is KS-exclusive. That includes the Outcast expansion. But reinforcement packs are just repackaging of...
1) There are 3 Charontid deployments from my read, check the map legend carefully--one doesn't look like the other two. So you deploy initially,...
For the record, I went to the comments and asked CB directly whether you can swap in the Tik (TAG) for the Gamma (HI), and just got this response:...
Eh, the reinforcement packs are already set, so you'd think what swaps for what would have already been worked out ahead of time. But maybe I'm...
True, but there's no TAG in Outcast either. There's the Gamma, but it's considered a Heavy Unit along with The Gwailo, et al. ... Fact remains...
Hey hey, the new unit-swapping chart in the latest update contained some interesting omissions. Namely, there still aren't any Heavy Infantry...