I think he's stood up rather well, myself, but my copy of that figure is borderline unusable now because the looooong barrel of his rifle has...
I have my doubts whether we'll see a second core fireteam in Vedic, otherwise this would make a lot of sense to me. Just a feeling! That's...
Probably more likely than my harebrained idea (I've just always liked Atalanta, for whatever reason)! But honest question: with at least two...
Here's a really far-out theory for that Aleph sniper: a second profile for Atalanta available to OSS and not ASS with a new sculpt to match....
My Nikoul and his Symbiomate beg to differ.
Vodka casks, more likely. :-)
Agreed. I haven't been following Kurage too closely (I'm not signed up, etc.), but I've read the background materials, and it seems like CA is...
I'm not saying that's impossible, but I will say it's highly unlikely given the number of miniatures they'd have to crank out to accomplish such...
Sidebar: If we needed further proof that CB doesn't bother proofreading its English-language articles, promotional materials, etc., this is...
The silhouette looks like he's wearing a beanie. My two cents is that it seems entirely possible--likely, even--that the new Line Kazakh design...
Hell yeah, the Russians would just feel inadequate next to the Americans if they didn't have a hulking lump of metal to call their own. I'm...
Hey look, Kazakhs! *smug mode*
Well, yes. That's it exactly. Look, no one here (or at least no one serious) is saying "heeeey, the death star Joan link is underpowered!"...
Precisely what I was thinking.
Agreed. For what it's worth, given that we already have the Ramah starter box (the guys from Red Veil), my money says that RTF is released as a...
Could be referring to the Auxbot profiles?
With GenCon just over a month away, it shouldn't be long now before they unveil what's coming...
So disclaimer: I don't think that GW is the "better" company overall at the moment (I find their nickle-and-dime approach to rules appalling), but...
@Wolf: I recently viewed an interesting documentary on those critters called, Earth Girls Are Easy. I believe that it holds many valuable lessons...