The badpandas have made a new batrep. Fast Panda Gaming: Infinity Battle Report - Resilience Operations (Combined Army vs JSA) [MEDIA]
Here's an index of an Infinity Dante list-building video with examples from the faction. Tournament List Building for Infinity N5 - A Tale of...
Diorama cutter By cabalier, from coolminiornot :
When it is released, prices will probably have risen locally in the USA region for mysterious reasons contrary to Corvus Belli's wishes.
From critposting : [IMG] [IMG]
Conversion Shikami hollow-men | by Komagataheavy, from instagram :
Cosplay cyberpunk De ラーズグリーズ @Shimizu0424Taka Publier: [IMG] [SPOILER] Cosplay...
Tactical Awareness S3 Ep11 - ZEROES & HEROES Faction Reviews - Ariadna Part 4 - Ariadna SOUP [MEDIA]
Most of the lists for the Furor Teutonicus 2025 tournament are now available in .doc format. Here's the doc and the TOP 3 lists. - Lists Furor...
Link to tournament : Results of the TOP : [IMG]
Here's a topic to index articles and videos about the satellite tournament: Furor Teutonicus 25.
Champion of Terra Infinity Tournament, Road to Talvisota Satellite PART 1 [MEDIA]
Here's a topic to index articles and videos about the satellite tournament: Road to Talvisota Satellite.
New narrative batrep in format article. The Tales of Blue-Ridge Part 1: Ariadna (TAK) vs Haqqislam (RTF): An Infinity N5 Battle Report... Infinity - Imperial Service Action Pack Reveal Trailer [MEDIA] [IMG] [IMG]...
This is an old rule from the campaign book, but it hasn't been updated since the N3 deadalus fall book. In general, you earn xp by playing a...
New video of reaction by Infinity Dante for Vanilla Panoceania. Vanilla PanO Initial N5 Reaction - Small Voice, Big Stick - Infinity the Game...