Disclaimer : I started toha about 4 months ago, so take my advice with a handfull of salt. I am not a huge fan of the K1 Combi, since you have 2...
I feel like you really missed the chance to suggest Jack-azak in your post
I actually would not mind. Proxy models are still really fine, and I really like the Sophotec model with its mini factory.
bring a post from page 5 because I also wondered why Cube Jagers had monoswords Reading altered carbon led me to believe that when you don't...
We can all agree on this. Now, how to kill that dude prone behind cover, or behind/inside a building in the center of DZ ? EDIT : who also laid a...
Since we are on the Tohaa subforum, let's keep the discussion about the interaction between the Mighty artichoke and Tunguska. What would you...
Wait, what ? Explain how 2 hard wounds (albeit with a degraded profile) is "no that durable". While almost everyone else has 1W and is happy...
I don't understand how the puppets / pupeteer are working in reactive turn ?
I play both Aleph & Tohaa. I'd be terrified to play Aleph vs Tunguska considering the crazy (bullshit) things they have. The most baffling thing...
What the fuck is Perseus doing in Tunguska ??
While I do agree on your point that the Danavas's profile could have been more steamlined & Alephised (NWI, pistol instead of rifle) you can...
Regarding the need for a hacker to field the dakinis : if you have at least one of Deva / Naga / Asura you can take either as a hacker. just like...
Wouldn't it be silly to have a "2.0" unit be a downright downgrade from the previous version ?
I actually wish we could do that. Because, you know ...
That's a bit underwhelming... I always felt that having dakinis as line troops rather than the generic fusilier/ghulam/kamael etc. was a good way...
now having quite some games that included hacking behind me, with retrospect I think everyone makes hacking much more impressive and a hassle that...
People hypothesise that the last sniper shot is an upcoming ALEPH. I would tend to agree as we saw a leg with a high heel, similar to the Danava's...
While I would like that, I don't tink they will put a limited edition figurine that plays in either armies of the operation box. EDIT : Nevermind...
Kingdom Death : Monster all the way ! Also, played Troyes this week end and it amazing. Reminds me of Lords of Waterdeep, but with dice and...
my favourite bits of the CP2077 trailer : https://gfycat.com/fr/gifs/detail/remotedarlingaustralianshelduck...