I am quite convinced by what "nemo no name" said on the news thread, that NWI+shock immunity fits better lorewise (and prevents unconscious) than...
Great, but wouldn't it be simpler to give 2W and Courage ? Dart is fantastic, but I find the HRL & HMG yadu profiles are redundant with the...
I am quite divided on the shukras. 25pts CoC is always good, the profile is alright, but the absence of Dogged or NWI limits the mileage you get...
and if they got a little price discount and/or new hacking devices options (EVO would be great)
At the risk of sounding whiny : Am I really the only that finds that the Asura really has oversized breasts ? I am talking purely in terms of...
Damn ... if she has infiltration and at least mimetism she is going to be brutal. I mean bow or smg (more probably smg) and mines AND em nades ?...
What if these are cyborg rabbits she is shooting at ? or even cyborg pheasants ?
The dossier has been revealed ? would you have a link plz ?
Well she is a posthuman sure but in her very own Lhost. Not in a generic proxy body produced for combat according to specific settings. since she...
I find the 160€ threshold for free postage to be really quite high :confused:
While I don't play Steel Phalanx (yet) what I hope is that DART is an infiltrator available to vedic as well as SP but then again, if she is just...
Yeah, let's at least wait for the profiles before we go apeshit on the pre-order button
From what was said in the video, these hammers can be thrown, so I guess removing them from the miniatures isn't a big deal, it's not like they...
While I love the Asura model, I find (perhaps it's just me) she has overly large breasts. for me the Naga sniper is the absolute killer...
So, if I sum up what I retained from the video : - Shukra brings CoC - Dakini Fireteams are confirmed - Yadu can get in and/or form harris...
Fantastic video ! and I gotta say, for a minute I was a bit worried I would not be able to procure the DART miniature, but it is available for...
Apparently the Shukra brings Chain of Command to Vedic. That's fantastic ! While I love the Asura miniature, it is perhaps me, but I find she has...
Oh come on ! I merely IMPLIED it ! Well, at least clock wouldn't have moved foward that much before Nemo reset it :p EDIT : At this point I am...
I did not say it, I merely implied it. The clock is on you this time :p