Imagine Morats being the ones to design a TAG which can be disabled with a kick in the balls xD
Yeah, I have. It's absolutely doable to make decent enough models in Siocast (better organic than technological though, properly sharp corners...
a nanoscreen won't protect him from the tag itself while he dangles between the legs...
Now I'm torn between "the pilot gets immediately crushed between thicc thighs within normal range of motion" and "this is the most Morat thing in...
Yeah, fair. But since this was in response to urging on the Forum and FB with questions about shift to Siocast being much broader in time, this...
Love the Uxia. Cannot get over lack of wrists on he Vanguards. What the hell, sculptor. What the hell. Absolutely dumbfounded by "pogo stick TAG"...
They literally said they're not doing anything other than TAGs and Drones and other (S3+) Beast and the like in Siocast. The S2 test was...
Hehehehe, remember when everyone was like "calm down, it's just gonna be TAGs and drones, no S2 models are going to Siocast"? Tohaaridge Farm...
The Bulltruck is wonky af and it's gonna be in Siocast... Eh. I'm very irked by "all plate, few or no faces" Morats in the new sculpts. Paint...
Ah, the year of the Tohaa. Mmmm.
Community - "Ubiquitous wildcard status of characters has completely broken whatever balance fireteams may have had!" CB - "OK, now entire units...
Nice non-sequitur, what are the constantly introduced shit tier useless units in Bolt Action, again?
"All / most big game studios design with chaff units to sell more models, so design without chaff models is impossible / should not be seen as a...
Gotta say, love it. No idea how usable it will be in game, but missile mech? Yes, please.
Here's an idea - how about they shouldn't release dog shit units? Basic units, decent enough at their tasks, sure. But a "never take" unit...
Yeah, "just calm down and don't overthink it". "Pay for the new models and stop thinking about whether the purchase makes sense". This is, after...
The faces on the Vanguard are just so bad :(
That's such a non sequitur. Yeah, they could melt an already cast $60-$70 limited edition Jotum into a $0.06-$0.07 pool of pewter slag. And?
And this is exactly why this is a dumb, customer unfriendly idea. They could've simply said "we've got so many Jotums, so many Wild Bills, etc",...