I had a lot less incentive to play in events in N4, I can say that for certain. N3 had better rules than N4, at least until Dashat came out.
Agreed. Especially given their points cost.
I want Sniffers back and I want KHDs to be able to kill hackers through repeater nets again.
They've had plenty of time to change that rule, and they haven't. Instead the Retreat rule has been spread to every mission they can, which imo is...
Retreat as a rule is not necessary to make it so the game becomes about killing your opponent's army and nothing else, because in most missions...
I've played enough without it to know that that isn't true. A skilled player can make it so if you try to take out his army you won't have enough...
You can put a skilled player as first player and a less skilled player as second player and the less skilled player will win. It doesn't need fine...
And it can't be too hard, because if you make them retreat you can't win...
How do you make a table that is fair for bpong but not unfair for two other missions that don't have such a massive scoring advantage to who goes 2nd?
If that advantage varies dramatically between missions (like going 2nd in Power Pack and especially BPong being a huge advantage) then you can't...
Another good idea. But fundamentally I think that the power of going 1st/2nd in Infinity is something that has needed to be addressed for a long...
In that case, yes, but that's just one example. That's fair. Most people I discuss this with irl seem to think the disparity is pretty strong.
BPong seems to be one that gets a lot of flack from the community - are there other missions that you guys think need a look? Are there...
That's exactly it. CB's current business model requires them to create a bad game, and sell new stuff while putting as little energy as possible...
I dunno, I remember someone on these forums going on a "Nomads are leftists and this is why they never produce anything" rant who clearly doesn't...
Nah, people in real life don't act like I slapped their wife when I say that I think CB balanced something poorly.
The problem is it was designed in N4 as an uninteractive system in which certain factions were given unearned advantages that they don't suffer...
You very much treat agreeing with you as an excuse for this behavior, though.
Cool, where in the terrain guidelines does it say this is terrible table design? Basically, you're using a No True Scotsman fallacy. "Any table...