So... Steel Phalanx seems very, very powerful. Players who are using it have a significant unearned advantage over players who aren't. The way...
So you can roleplay as the NPC who gets beaten by the glorious protagonist Nomads, I guess?
Yes, HMG Kamau is amazing, it should cost more than the Bulletteer. Bulletteer has the downsides of hackable, fatter base, worse BS, etc. *and*...
It's because they're not good enough. Compare them to the toys Nomads get and it's just... not enough.
Why is the new cost for a Bulletteer "more reasonable"?
Nah. If the Peacemaker was balanced before it's imbalanced now. Absent a commentary from CB I don't know they know what they're doing. It'd be...
Yeah, pretty much why I stopped playing Infinity. If Gutier can't be asked to give us a good gaming experience (and balance is a big part of that)...
Right, but there's different ways to approach that. Personally, I'd prefer it if character had generic names and we could do our own sort of...
Right on, I haven't lol
I've never seen it matter, though, because army points surviving has never tied.
There are literally no guidelines for it, so it's up to the TO, which is honestly a problem I'd love to see fixed. I've seen a lot of people say...
Right. It also allows for forfeits before the end of round 3 without massively screwing your opponent. I had taken to making forfeits 10-0 300-0...
As a number of other games have moved to this as the standard; is it possible we could get an option for this in tournaments in the OTM? I...
Because they have cut people who give even constructive criticism out of the rules pipeline in favor of a hugbox.
He doesn't have to help. He can count on psychoticstorm supporting his attitude no matter how rude he gets.
"Nooo how dare you criticize CB, I'm FB friends with Bostria!" Brand Salt
Gee, it sure would be helpful if CB explained their rationale for making rules changes so we could know what they were thinking...