I know its unofficial, but why wouldnt Line Kazaks be listed as core as well?
The Caledonians are also my first Infinity army. I have yet to play a game. My rationale for picking them was I liked the look of them over all...
Mormaer HMG will be released in May, Vet Kazak will be released in June.
You can only run 1 core fireteam at a time as well I believe. Are you running the Minutemen as your Core, or your Grunts? The Marauders are fine...
After I saw this thread, I too decided to see what my expanded USARF force could look like. I took a bit of a different approach with mine. I...
Fair explanation. I'll have to look into that further. Thanks for that.
Im far from an expert, but why not include Wallace in your core link? Surely it would be better protection for him than running around alone in...
The USARF Army box got me around 145 points but it depends on how you want to tailor the loadouts. Here is what I currently have: [img] USARF...
Im still building my army, but I currently have over 300 points of CHA to work with. Its still missing some pieces, but this is what I currently...
Go with the Caledonian Sectorial. Everyone loves painting tartan.
As a CHA collector, I find my list is 12 Regular, 2 Irregular, and 1 Ex Impetuous. Around 4 camo tokens.
That i understood. My locals also want to see the minis painted up as well. None of that is an issue. Ive managed to pick up over 350 points of...
Thanks. I'll ask locally. Wasn't sure if it was a hard and fast rule across the board.
Just a question to the point of named characters of the CHA. (new player here) Does one need to have both sculpts of Uxia McNeill in order to...
Nice overview. Very handy.
Really? The new CHA Sectorial box's Wulver seems a little more humanized. The 4 person Wulver pack has its differences (though admittedly, I...
Thanks for the overview. It will help me in deciding how to proceed with my lists.
I see your point. I had meant Wulver re-sculpts to bring it in line with the new Caledonian Sectorial Starter pack. I like that there is a new...
Having just got into the game with the Caledonian Sectorial, I'd like to see new Wulver sculpts, more variety with Cameronians, and more Mormaer...