First: Reporting an intercepted battle report is not tattling, especially when it regards unwarranted aggression against a peacekeeping unit, or...
It's about damn time. Ariadna will continue securing the Battery Field and will repel the Tohaa from the Ammo and Supply Module. Captain927...
They will be delighted to know that we protected the Ammo and Supply Module as asked. Until it can be determined with 100% certainty that the...
OOC response: I wouldn't be doing my job if i didnt find all i could against the Tohaa. No real offence taken. :)
I can speak with full confidence that if the Tohaa were attacked by the AEC, while anywhere near Xaraks, it was deliberate and intentional. Our...
The battle report was intercepted approximately 28 hours ago, while the Ammo and Supply Module was under O-12 control. If you would like to argue...
The Tohaa speak nothing but lies. @Engorn speak of peace with the Human Sphere and that the assault on the Ammo and Supply Module being...
There's a saying for this. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." The O-12 should remember these words. *shakes head* You...
Ah the old "The best laid plans are the ones posted for all to see" technique. Well played.
IMPOSSIBLE! Ariadna had withdrew from the Ammo Module at the request of O-12 forces once they had sufficient strength to hold the base, as noted...
... paper pushers...
Swing by Dawn. I'll get you a pony.
Too little, too late. No need to stand up. We'll handle it.
*mocking tone* "I wouldn't want to pick sides. These things have a way of just working themselves out."
*inhales tobacco from Scottish pipe* Smoking is bad. Don't smoke. Message received.
And yet, no public statement of solidarity with the AEC. Just mere complacency that Haqqislam is in control of the area that O-12 "deliberately"...
Then it is up to the O-12 to publicly denounce the actions of Haqqislam. From galaxy peacekeeping unit, to Fight Club organizer. Do you take...
With all due respect to the O-12, the Ammunition and Supply Module is not under contention. As has previously been addressed, the AEC has...
The EI are smart and capable. They seek out weaknesses and exploit them. When the AEC was in charge, our biggest threat was the knife plunged in...
The Battery is already in the wrong hands.