"Any surface they move on must be at least half as wide as their base."
No clue :slightly_smiling_face:, but I love the writing!
Aleph is up: [MEDIA] Vanilla Aleph: One new unit (k2 Ancillars) Lost Atalanta Gain Knauf
Seeing as TAK is getting a huge update and new units in N5 (which drops in November 18th), it does not make sense to update this until after.
Loss of Lieutenant Podcast just reminded me that Tikibang duos are a thing. That should be really fun.
This probably will not be fully answered until N5 is released. However, most likely in N5, if you have CC 24 and get a +3 (from MA 2+ or someplace...
My issue has been while Suprise Attack (-6) sounds cool, the majority of the time it is the same mod as Surprise Attack (-3) and Minimism (-3)....
So, while I hope the Ayyar gets more tweaks and the holoprojector rule gets looked at, with the Fireteam changes, what do you think of the...
Most likely just removed from Generic. We will find what the changes are to the sectorial on release.
I am looking forward to the Switchers Gruppa: [ATTACH] More Transformation (hopefully) models would be cool.
Nomad Video is up: [MEDIA]
You mean November 17th, right? Edit: I would really like the Paradise Lost Farzan to be a new profile. Not a new character, but he would be...
Hey, my Haqqislam forces are the good guys! They just sometimes do horrific acts for the greater good...
Someone is an Alien fan :)
My main ask in O-12 would be the fix Saladin in Starmada. I think they wanted him to not outshine Hector in Starmada, but only having Strategos L1...
I would be interested in how flying vehicles will interact with hacking. I assume they will just be able to fly over the Zone of Control of...
Yep, the demo was informative, even if things change. I smiled to myself in Haqqislam as Bostria watched his Red Fury continously bounce off...
See, I felt that CB actively did not want cheap Ghulams for that reason. The N3 to N4 price cut was totally unexpected for me. In N4, Ghulams...