Just a heads up it has to be a Brawler to be a legal Haris as you can't create the team without a Druze or Brawler.
Im surprised to be the odd man out but I'm often running the cheapest pure I can get: Brawler msv Brawler lt Brawler hacker Druze KHD Digger...
Army: any Browser: Chrome App: android I'm logged into my web browser and my app but when I save a list to one it doesnt sync and appear on the...
I don't really disagree here. As I said, its mostly a bit of feeling/wishlist that I would field druze more and *feel* less bad about it if they...
Wait, whats wrong with Yuan Yuan? Other than not getting a free order to drop onto the table? Which for 8 points seems to be asking for a lot....
yeah no doubt brawlers' role in druze has changed a fair bit. Don't get me wrong, I'd actually be way happier if druze came down in points and...
I really like this concept, and I'm impressed how cheap you did get it. I wonder if it could be interesting comparison with other factions. my gut...
I think Jujaks could be alright if Zuyong were sufficiently different. But again personally I'd like both of them to lose some durability and...
It's almost like you take pride in swimming against the current. Avatar can be super strong and CA can have strong non-avatar lists. Those two...
I obviously disagree but I'm interested to know more how you conclude Zuyong are fine as is? They seem to struggle for list space except when they...
Haha really? Hassasins have been pretty average, even below for most of the game's history. its taken Gutier awhile to give it the pet treatment.
ooh boy, this is a topic close to my heart. Its something about yu jing that has bothered me for awhile, and only become more acute with the...
How many pet factions can the guy have?
Those are awesome mate! I might have to steal the bright red hair idea for Aida. And using the lunah is a cool idea and she does fit in nicely
Make super jump great (decent) again!!!1!
I love that helmet design. I really don't love how they've decided they need to slam the exact same hacking widget on the head regardless of sculpt
Yeah beasthunter is one release I would have really liked for Druze just to give the camo game a little guesswork.
We also get yuan yuan! Holla! Poor valerya dropping out of the cool kids club though.
Yeah will need to see the PDF and more importantly, the army update for how other sectorials are changed. I think a big part of it will be how...
Its taken me 10 years but I think I've finally accepted that SKU bloat was never a real target when things got cut or combined.